The 4 Types Of Economic Buyers

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Mar 23, 2017 by Mark Maier

Here at LPG we divide the various types of Buyers that reps encounter into 4 categories (Economic, Coach, Technical & User) with The Economic Buyer being the true decision maker who can say yes and sign the check.  A new article in Entrepreneur now divides up the Economic Buyer into another 4 segments and they are good to know so you can work with each type....


Treating people the way you want to be treated is the wrong way to do business -- at least if you are in sales. Now, that phrase may bring you up short. But just think about this a moment . . . 

Related: 3 Sales Strategies to Help Increase Your Business in 30 Days

"You never want to treat prospects the way you want to be treated. You want to treat them the way they want to be treated": That's the premise and philosophy that Dustin Hillis and Steve Reiner present in their new book, Navigate 2.0: Selling the Way People Like to Buy.

In some ways, such thinking flies in the face of traditional wisdom; but upon reflection, you'll see that it makes sense that the platinum rule, not the golden rule, is going to get you further when you are in sales. Here's how:

The four behavioral styles

Navigate, a system designed and developed by the global sales coaching firm, Southwestern Consulting, is based on helping salespeople to understand the four primary buyer archetypes. 

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