Client Advertising Seminars

The recent terrorist attacks have added new challenges to the selling process that have been felt by businesses across the country. Compounding this negative effect on your station's bottom line is that most of today's sellers have never experienced selling in an economic downturn. Luce will teach veterans and the new generation of sellers how to hit and exceed budget, even in financial times like these.

Luce will show advertisers that those who maintain and increase their advertising dollars during tough times increase their business 10 to 1. Your station's sales staff will get ammunition it needs to take to the streets as well as specific reasons why advertisers should invest their money in your station. Luce will demonstrate to you and your clients why newspaper advertising is not the way to go. Imagine the persuasive impact the workshop have have to that client " on the fence" when your sales staff invites them to come to hear this important information. Think of the goodwill you can generate with a loyal advertiser by bringing them to this workshop. Luce will have you on your feet and in case study groups to learn the techniques necessary to close the deal even in this scary economy. There will be client specific handouts that your advertisers can take with them.

Luce Performance Group Broadcast Media Sales and Management Training

Luce Performance Group
Broadcast Media Sales and Management Training


In House Sales TrainingOnline Training & CoachingOngoing Sales ConsultingCorporate SeminarsClient Advertising SeminarsManagement WorkshopsStrategic Budget Planning



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