The True Value of Multi-Platform Advertising
Jun 27, 2008 by Mark MaierIntegrated Media Measurement Inc. released a new study this week that breaks down the assumption that advertising on multiple platforms results in just an extension of reach, the study shows that it dramatically impacts conversion rates. What does this mean for broadcast? You need to develop a second platform like a Community Web Portal in your market and share with your clients the results of the study to develop a multi-platform campaign. For example, the study states consumers exposed to television ads for five movies had an average conversion rate of 5.52%, while consumers exposed to ads on TV and at least one other platform such as radio or the internet had an average conversion rate of 13.52%, per the research. That's an increase of 245%. The point of growth will come when you can offer multiple platforms to your clients, I'm not talking added value either, with the kind of conversion rates that a multiple platform campaign delivers your staff should have no problem retaining the value of each offering. Better yet, you should have a seperate sales staff for each platform insuring that you retain each platforms value.
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