Blogs, Editorials, Knowledge, Research

The following Articles were either written by LPG staff, or reposted by LPG staff with credit given to the original author.  Some are Editorials in which we share our opinions on the industry. Others were written from our knowledge of working in the field for years.  Finally we have research from LPG and or third parties. 

Sep 23, 2024

That Takes A Cake

If you want an appointment with a prospect bad enough, you can get it if you are willing to do something extra to prove to the prospect you are deserving of their time. Far too often, we just use the phone to try to set up appointments. And far too often ...
Sep 20, 2024

Motivational Video #7 (Matt Foley)

Chris Farley - Matt Foley Motivational Speaker ...
Sep 19, 2024

The Call Of The Wild

If you haven't been to the Yukon, you haven't been anywhere. It's still the wild wild west. There's still gold in the Klondike! This gold comes in the form of business owners reaping a bumper crop of results from an advertising seminar ...
Sep 18, 2024

Keep Calm And Sale On!

The substance of a closing presentation is as critical as covering all the pertinent points on achieving the client's expectations and objectives for the campaign. However, the delivery of that presentation is equally as important! Remember, prospects ...
Sep 17, 2024

Top 40 Prospecting List of Do's and Don'ts

Here's a little "Liquid Fire" for your prospecting. Here are my Top 40 "Hang on Your Wall" list of do's and don'ts for successful prospecting. Never, ever stop prospecting! This list should hang right next to Luce's ...
Sep 16, 2024

Going For The Gold

There is nothing that brings a team closer together than having a team-building event. And it doesn't have to be a once-a-year thing. In the market I was in last week, we held our annual and 6th Annual Olympics. Last year ...
Sep 13, 2024

Motivational Video #9 (Game Show)

Steve Harvey (Game Show) ...
Sep 12, 2024

Stopped Dead In My Tracks

When I conduct seminars, I rarely get stopped dead in my tracks by an audience member. It happened recently while I was doing a seminar for the Missouri Broadcasters Association. I had an electric group in attendance, and they kept me on my toes while ...
Sep 11, 2024

Scoring Huge In 7 Easy Steps

Finding great sales talent is an art. It's not easy to find the eager and talented sales reps that can compete in today's media world. Our management team in California found a couple of them recently. The exciting part is to train them from ...
Sep 10, 2024

"Thank You Notes" That Rise Above The Clutter

Off to the firing squad I go. Yes, I am guilty! I do not write enough thank you notes. A thank you note is so much more than sending a simple acknowledgement. George Bush 41 attributed his presidency to writing personal thank you notes. He would always ...
Sep 9, 2024

Live Your Dream

Life is too short to let it pass you by. Live your dreams. This one goes out to Vince Flynn. We lost not only a best-selling author, but a fine individual. Vince passed away after two years battling prostate cancer. Vince Flynn was the best-selling, ...
Sep 6, 2024

Motivational Video #10 (4 Minute Mile)

4 Minutes - The 4 Minute Mile ...
Sep 5, 2024

Taking Total Control Of The Sales Call

Out in the field last week, I noticed some moves by a couple of young sales reps that exemplified controlling a sales call from start to finish. On average, once we get into the meat of the sales call, we have about 17 minutes to accomplish our intended ...
Sep 4, 2024

Prospecting Tool That WILL Make You Money Today!

For many, the toughest thing to do in sales is prospecting for new accounts. I have always said that referrals should be the number one prospecting tool. However, sales reps often fail to ask for referrals. I think satisfied clients can wrap up for a ...
Sep 3, 2024

Must-Haves For Your Advertising Strategy

In my advertising seminars for business owners, I cover many points in a short period of time. By far, the most asked about section is the one on developing an overall advertising and marketing strategy. Listed below are the tips that I share with business ...
Aug 30, 2024

Motivational Video #14 (300)

300 ...
Aug 29, 2024

Selling Annual Agreements -- All The Time

It's mind blowing and excruciatingly tough to sell short-term, one-hit-wonder schedules. It's fatiguing and quickly burns out a sales rep. If you're selling short term and you're dealing with more than just agency business, then your ...
Aug 28, 2024

Advertising Above The 60th Parallel

Recently I have spent time with advertisers and marketers in the Canadian north -- the Yukon Territory -- in a city called Whitehorse. Being somewhat of a history buff, it was always one of my dreams to come to where the last great gold rush happened ...
Aug 27, 2024

The Dirty Dozen Of Social Events

In our field of media sales (outside sales, in most cases), which is very social-friendly, we have to pay attention to the perception we give new prospects and customers after-hours. If you break society’s rules, you easily can sabotage yourself ...
Aug 26, 2024

Could Your Team Pull This Off?

Recently, on a visit to a media company where I consult, the sales manager and I decided to conduct an interactive sales training with a twist. The goal was in-depth training in several specific areas. The training method that I am about to describe ...
Luce Performance Group Broadcast Media Sales and Management Training

Luce Performance Group
Broadcast Media Sales and Management Training


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