Blogs, Editorials, Knowledge, Research

The following Articles were either written by LPG staff, or reposted by LPG staff with credit given to the original author.  Some are Editorials in which we share our opinions on the industry. Others were written from our knowledge of working in the field for years.  Finally we have research from LPG and or third parties. 

Jun 27, 2024

Less Stress + Less Pressure = More Success

The media industry has always been rife with stress for sales reps and their managers. The highs and lows of selling media can be as fast and furious as a roller coaster. I remember many a day in sales being on top of the world one minute only to be ...
Jun 26, 2024

"Ichinen Iwa Wo Mo Tosu"

Thats Japanese for a focused mind can pierce through stone, and it came from a Samurai warrior. The Samurai were known for their intense focus on the battlefield, which required a plan, a goal, and plenty of focus. Are you prepared for the battle of ...
Jun 25, 2024

It's How You Make Them Feel

One of the shortest and most remembered speeches in American history was the 273-word Gettysburg address by Abraham Lincoln. He didnt need to say much after the Union and Confederate forces lost 50,000 men in one battle over a three-day period that was ...
Jun 24, 2024

Never Let Success Go To Your Head, And Never Let Failure Go To Your Heart

In your selling career, hopefully you will never be physically thrown out of a customer's business. I have been thrown out before. Customers can become irate for many reasons. We must make sure we are not the reason for their frustration. An old ...
Jun 21, 2024

Leadership Lessons From A Great One

During my travels in Europe, I often took note of the influence of Alexander the Great who is a favorite leader of mine. Almost 2400 years after his death, his presence is still felt in modern-day Europe and Asia. In the past few years, a resurgence ...
Jun 20, 2024

Five Surefire Ways You're Failing As A Manager

How would you rate yourself as a manager? Have you ever received a handful of surveys that were not what you expected? An IBM general sales manager who thought that she could do no wrong received some surprising news. After reading the surveys like the ...
Jun 19, 2024

Coaching Reps To Make More Money!

The challenge of coaching sales reps in the field has never been more important than it is today, due to increased media consolidation that has increased responsibilities of sales management. The real art lies in the difference between just riding with ...
Jun 18, 2024

Improve Results With Clients Now

One of the functions that I perform in my consulting business is to travel in the field with media reps to coach and train them. I see the issues first-hand that the reps encounter day in and day out. I would like to share five practices that I have ...
Jun 17, 2024

What Size Russian Doll Are You Hiring?

When searching for a new sales rep in the pool of recruits, is there a list of magic-bullet interview questions to use when searching for the fire-breathing, wont-take-no-for-an-answer over-achiever? David Ogilvy, the advertising guru and founder of ...
Jun 14, 2024

Which 50% of Advertising Is Wasted?

John Wannamaker, of retail fame, is credited with that jewel of a statement I know that 50 percent of my advertising is wasted, I just dont know which 50 percent. Being a business owner myself, quite frankly, that statement scares the heck out of me ...
Jun 13, 2024

Find The Liquid Fire In You

I started my consulting business, Luce Performance Group, in the summer of 1999. My venture began with a vision of coaching media reps to become the best that they could be in their field. As with any career change, I was taking a risk in starting over. ...
Jun 12, 2024

Focus Follows Fun!

In our crazy deadline-oriented world, we often forget to have some fun. I like to remind the sales managers that I work with that focus follows fun. Creating a fun work environment can be accomplished in various ways. One of the best that I have found ...
Jun 11, 2024

The Art Of Dynamic Closing

One of the great, compelling aspects of my job is sharing sales success and style with my sales managers. I was a bit shocked when a sales manager asked me to send the best written proposal I have seen lately. I realized that while riding on coaching ...
Jun 10, 2024

Quantify. Qualify. Close.

Closing a new client is a pinnacle point for the sales rep. It builds confidence, character, and their bottom line. If your sales reps are complaining about gut-wrenching, arm-twisting closing, they are not excelling at the most important aspects in ...
Jun 7, 2024

Service After The Sale

We are all guilty of it. We sign an annual contract, turn in the order and count the commission in our pockets. As soon as the first ad hits the open market, the competitors will target a fresh prospect which is your new client. If a sales rep does not ...
Jun 6, 2024

Increase Your Appointment Closing Ratio

In the early morning, when most sales departments are abuzz with reps on the phone setting up appointments with prospects, I often hear the proverbial, "I'd like to come over and talk to you about advertising". Inevitably, I also hear, ...
Jun 5, 2024

Don't Get Burned With Objections

Objections are an everyday fact of life. They are also a key part of the selling process. Learning to overcome objections should be an ongoing training and roleplaying topic for sales reps of all experience levels. This point is especially true during ...
Jun 4, 2024

Six Tactics to Get And Keep Clients

Although many sales reps do not want to admit it, they have taken a client for granted at least once. One reps top client is usually someone elses number one prospect. There is a tendency to take our current clients for granted in a rush to procure new ...
Jun 3, 2024

Who Should Attend The Next Training Seminar?

Measuring desire in a salesperson is a question that I have tossed and turned about many times over the years. Before making an investment in a potential sales rep, what characteristics should managers consider? I received the following email regarding ...
May 31, 2024

Should All Sales Reps be Treated Equally?

Absolutely yes without a doubt, and I would start by treating them all with dignity and respect. Sales reps are high on the list of the most valuable assets in a business. The sales department is the money generator that keeps the cog in the wheel turning. ...
Luce Performance Group Broadcast Media Sales and Management Training

Luce Performance Group
Broadcast Media Sales and Management Training


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