It's How You Make Them Feel

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Jun 25, 2024 by Sean Luce

One of the shortest and most remembered speeches in American history was the 273-word Gettysburg address by Abraham Lincoln. He didnt need to say much after the Union and Confederate forces lost 50,000 men in one battle over a three-day period that was the turning point of the Civil War.

This article is in honor of less is more when it comes to powerful words. Someone told you they loved you once and it changed your life. Three words.

I read a quote a few months back that made me think about what makes great men and women in business. These outstanding professionals are sincere and interested in others. I think it is a gift that is constantly refined and perfected in our encounters with people.

Heres the quote I read from Maya Angelou:

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

When you're out and about, remember that quote and when you drop that compliment to someone make sure its sincere. Theyre likely not to forget how you made them feel.

Sean Luce is the Head International Instructor for the Luce Performance Group and can be reached at

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